Get Site Control is a great tool that allows you to increase engagement by providing a number of widgets aimed at increasing interaction and highlighting your products/services. 

It currently provides the following widgets:

  • Surveys
  • Contact
  • Promo
  • Subscribe
  • Follow
  • Share
  • And coming soon Chat

Head over to their website for more information. They offer a highly functional free version and a very reasonably priced paid solution. 

Here is how you would implement it on your website:

Step 1

Sign up for Get Site Control and then grab the embed code for your website. 

Step 2

You then need to embed the code into your website (this only needs to be done the once, not every time you then create a Get Site Control widget). 

This is done by clicking 'Settings' on the top black bar, and then going to 'Pro'.

Paste your chat widget code into the Header code and click 'Set':

Publish your site for this to take effect. 

Step 3

Configure the appropriate widgets for your needs on your Get Site Control account. They will then automatically appear on your website without having to modify the embed code again.